If you want to be persuasive in speaking, you have to start with identifying your objective. The three general objectives are: DO, TRUE, or VIEW. What, exactly, do you want out of your audience? That they DO something? Or do you want to prove to them the TRUTH of something? Or is it more a matter of getting them to agree with your point of VIEW that something is a good decision or option, better than other choices?
Depending on the objective, the organization of the talk will vary. You still have the three parts of a speech - the intro, body, and conclusion. But the body is organized differently to make your outcome more effective.
When your objective is to prove to the audience that something is or is not TRUE, the Main Points in the Body of your talk would consist of some combination of any or all of these three forms of proof: (1) personal observation or experience, (2) evidence, (3) expert testimony.
The best analogy to this form of persuasion is a courtroom trial. The prosecution's objective is to prove that the defendant did it. The defense wants to prove that he didn't. Each side presents some combination of proof -- evidence, witnesses, and experts -- in order to convince the jury that their side is "true."
You don't have to use all three forms - any combination, or even just one, may suffice - but the more proof you can offer, the more convincing your proposition will be. In the organization of your TRUE presentation, these proof forms would comprise the Main Points of the Body:
Present research results, studies or other data that support your claim. If you've set out to prove that wearing seat belts save lives, you would probably present research studies of car crashes comparing the survival rate of seat-belt wearers versus non-wearers. Or show those videos of crash test dummies and how they fare on impact with and without seat belts.
Something you've seen or experienced personally can be very compelling. Perhaps you have your own compelling story of being in a car accident and walking away from a mangled wreck because your seat belt protected you. Or maybe you witnessed it, seeing a friend or family member survive because of the restraint of a seat belt.
A validation of your claim by other people who are acknowledged as experts can build your case. You could cite testimonials from emergency technicians, police officers or fire fighters who are usually the first responders to the scene of an accident. Their testimony of the difference in injury and survival rates they see between the buckled in and the unbuckled adds power to your proof. Like one highway patrol officer said, "After 20 years in law enforcement responding to car accident scenes, I have never unbuckled a dead person."
If you want the audience to walk away believing in the truth of your proposition, these three forms of proof are the strongest means to achieve that end.
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Barbara Busey, president of the training firm Presentation Dynamics, has been a professional speaker, trainer and author since 1990. She does training and speaking on the "dynamics" of how people "present" themselves, is the author of the award-winning book, "Stand Out When You Stand Up," and is the creator of The Compelling Speaker, a unique presentation skills training program that combines advance audio CD instruction with a hands-on, ultra participative workshop. Sign up for her newsletter, Stand Out Strategies, on her web site: http://www.presentationdynamics.net/ and receive a gift of her "Top Ten Stand Out Tips."
She now offers a Certification program, a three-day intensive workshop that certifies people in how to make a living offering the Compelling Speaker training. Go to http://www.compellingspeakercertification.com learn more about this unique business opportunity and sign up for the special report, "Do You Have What it Takes to Run Your Own Training Business?"
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